Supplementing our works throughout the United
Kingdom, Scot-Vent Limited have successfully completed a number
of overseas contracts, the most recent of which are listed below.
The Falkland Islands:
We designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned a ducted heat recovery, dehumidification and ventilation system for the new Swimming Pool at Port Stanley.
We designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned various ventilation systems for the new Senior School in Port Stanley.
We designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned a ducted heating/dehumidification system and ancillary area ventilation systems for the Swimming Pool at the military base at Mount Pleasant Airport. ( M.P.A. )
We trained the British Army Royal Engineers personnel, in our workshop, to install the system, before sending out our own engineers to commission the completed installation.
We designed, manufactured, and installed, using
Chilean labour, ventilation and air conditioning systems for
the refurbished bank in Port Stanley.
We supplied and installed PVC ductwork systems for the Army Battery Complex at the M.P.A.
We designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned new ventilation/dehumidification controlled systems for the refurbished swimming pool at the M.P.A.
We supplied and installed new gas-fired heaters at M.P.A.
We designed and manufactured ductwork for the Greater Baku Water Supply Rehabilitation , Azerbaijan
We designed and manufactured ductwork for pumping stations at Kiev, Ukraine.
The top photograph shows PVC ductwork being installed in an Acid Battery Complex located at M.P.A in the Falkland Islands and the side photograph shows two dehumidification and ductwork installed at the M.P.A. Swimming Pool.